Leather Jackets
Biker Jackets
Bomber Jackets
Leather Blazers
Fur & Shearling Coats
Leather Vests
Hooded Leather Jackets
Suede Jackets
Product Details:
This all leather luggage tag is perfect for any traveler! It’s made from a strong leather material and comes in a gorgeous copper brown color, making it a great gift.
Product Care Of Best Travel Luggage Leather Tag Brown TLM-LKR-002:
Cleaning: It is recommended to regularly clean leather products by gently wiping them with a damp, soft cloth to remove dirt and dust. Additionally, a dry cloth should be used to remove excess moisture. For more thorough cleaning, a specific leather-specific cleaning product should be used.
It is important to follow the instructions and to test the product in an unobtrusive area to ensure it does not cause any damage to the leather.
Harsh chemicals or household cleaning products should not be used as they may damage the leather finish.
Conditioning: It’s important to remember that leather can dry out over time and lose some of its natural oils. To keep your leather soft and prevent it from cracking, use a conditioner or a cream. Make sure you stick to the instructions on the product.
Depending on how often you use your leather items, you might need to use a conditioner every 6 to 12 months.
Protecting: To keep your leather products dry and stain-free, use a leather protector and waterproofing spray. Make sure you choose a product that is appropriate for your type of leather. Keep your leather products away from extreme heat and direct sunlight for long periods of time.
Excessive exposure to heat and sunlight can cause the leather to deteriorate and become brittle.
Storage: Leather products should be stored in a cool and dry environment away from direct sunlight or heat sources when not in use. To protect from dust and maintain the finish of leather products, a breathable dust bag or pillowcase should be used.
It is important to note that leather items should not be hung for extended periods of time as this can lead to the deterioration of the finish.
Payment & Security Of Best Travel Luggage Leather Tag Brown TLM-LKR-002:
Most credit/ debit cards are accepted at the leathermafia.com. All credit/debit card holders go through a validation check and authorization by their card issuer. If your payment card issuer denies you the right to pay us, we take no responsibility for any delays or non-deliverables.
PayPal Pay:
Eligibility for Pay in 3 depends on the status and approval process.
What is Pay in 3?
Pay in 3 is an alternative form of credit.
It is not suitable for everyone.
It may impact your credit score.
Delivery & Returns Of Best Travel Luggage Leather Tag Brown TLM-LKR-002:
UKĀ Mainland – FREE forĀ itemsĀ over $150 and $4.99 forĀ allĀ itemsĀ underĀ $150,Ā takesĀ approximatelyĀ 7-10 working days –Ā TrackedĀ viaĀ UPS
Ireland and Northern Ireland–Ā Ā $4.99Ā andĀ takesĀ approximatelyĀ 7-10Ā businessĀ days –Ā TrackedĀ withĀ UPS
European Delivery ā $10 taking around 7-10 working days approximately – tracked using UPS
Returns Policy Of Best Travel Luggage Leather Tag Brown TLM-LKR-002:
OnceĀ youĀ receiveĀ your purchased leather item, youĀ haveĀ 14 days to decide whetherĀ itĀ isĀ suitableĀ for you or not. If you are not satisfied with your purchase andĀ doĀ notĀ wishĀ toĀ keepĀ theĀ itemĀ forĀ anyĀ reasonĀ after receivingĀ it,Ā youĀ mayĀ returnĀ it to us for an exchange or refund.
The cost of returning the item is your responsibility. AnyĀ customĀ items orĀ changesĀ areĀ non-refundable.
In the case of leather jackets, the original tags must be affixed and the item must not have been worn. In the case of leather wallets and bags, the original box in which the product was shipped must be returned intact. We would also like to know if you can include the returns note in your order so that the team can process your order quickly and efficiently.
Returns and exchanges within the United States, if applicable, will be processed no later than 14 working days after receipt. Please ensure that you attach the returns note along with the item you are returning to us. Any exchanges sent out will be subject to our standard delivery fee for all US customers. The costs associated with returning the item are your responsibility.
In order to receive a refund or exchange for an item purchased online, it is necessary to return the item by post, accompanied by a return note containing the customer’s complete details. The cost associated with the return of the item is the customer’s responsibility.